Cure CMD (Congenital Muscular Dystrophy)

Cure CMD is a non-profit organization focused on finding treatments for congenital muscular dystrophy (CMD).  Launched in April 2008, Cure CMD has established the infrastructure to drive clinical trial readiness for the congenital muscular dystrophies and congenital myopathies through the limb girdle spectrum: an international registry (CMDIR), a CMD BioBank, CMD Traveling Local Clinics, published Consensus Care Guidelines and a Genotype/Phenotype study.  Ongoing research funding and annual family, medical and scientific conferences ensure momentum.



TREAT-NMD is a network for the neuromuscular field focusing on the development of tools that help bring novel therapeutic approaches through preclinical development and into the clinic, and on establishing best-practice care for neuromuscular patients worldwide.


The Samantha J Brazzo Foundation

The Samantha J. Brazzo Foundation is a non-profit charitable foundation founded by the parents of a young girl, Samantha, who suffers from LGMD2I. The Foundation’s goals are to raise funds for LGMD2I research and to increase awareness about the disease.


McColl-Lockwood Laboratory for Muscular Dystrophy

The McColl-Lockwood Laboratory for Muscular Dystrophy was established in 2006 with the support from the Carolinas Muscular Dystrophy Research Endowment, which was created by the McColl and Lockwood families, as well as the Carolinas HealthCare Foundation. Its objective is to develop experimental therapies for the treatment of the muscular dystrophies and to facilitate the translation of experimental therapies to clinical trials.